Spring is the time to get rid of the old to make way for the new. Flowers do it. Birds do it. So why don’t you do it? It’s okay to take stock of what’s not working in your life. But do you ever focus on what is working in your life and do you take it for granted? Purging the past to make way for the new doesn’t mean just going through your closet to see what does or does not fit. Accepting what does not work and heralding what does work makes your career cleanse an easy process.
Your career cleanse starts with getting real with yourself and admitting what does not work in your current situation. Maybe you’ve been putting up with a boss you don’t like. Maybe you have not gotten a raise in a long while. Perhaps you just are not challenged but don’t have the balls to quit. Cleansing your career does not have to imply bold action, it starts with focusing on a list of your desires, be grand or not, and being honest with yourself on whether you really want to achieve them.
If you are not ready to get on with figuring out what will make you happy in your career, like not being willing to part with that old sweater you’ve worn since high school, then don’t force yourself into taking action. It’s not about making a change for change sake. You really do have to want what you want otherwise, what’s the point of making room for something new, when you are likely not ready or open to receive it. Your career cleanse is a purifying act, one that should prepare you for the future and help you set some plans in motion that will ultimately guide you to where you plan to go.
Getting rid of what no longer works takes preparation. You have to spend time to evaluate and sort through the past and identify what you want to hold onto vs. what you are willing to risk. It works that way with your career. Making a plan and sorting through the parts of your career that you like, that work for you now and in the future from those you have outgrown takes courage and wisdom and an intuitive sense in knowing when it’s time to move on.
Sometimes you are given a sign and sometimes you have a sense of when it’s time to move on, and other times you are forced by nature like being fired or laid off where you are put in a position to take control of your career. Cleansing allows you to not only get rid of what no longer works but allows you to make way for the new to flow towards you.
Like the boxes filled with shoes that no longer fit, finding the patience to sort through your career and separate the worn out from the slightly used helps you identify what you can and can’t live without and makes way for your next new, shiny pair of shoes. Step into success and take control of your career.
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