Post-Holiday Hustle

if-not-now-300x269Now that you have neatly packed away the holiday décor, tossed away the greeting cards, as you reluctantly look down at the scale wondering how you are going to lose the butter cookie extra pounds, you might not fee like you have time to even wonder what the future has in store for you.. It’s not about making those meaningless resolutions that always seem to make you feel more guilty than hopeful. It’s not about thinking about what you’d like to accomplish knowing full well that you are not ready to take any meaningful action against your intentions.

How do you manage your post-holiday hustle?   Feeling pressure never helps. Your to-do list will never end and although it might feel great to check the boxes, know you will never be done. So stop making excuses about all the stuff you have to do in order to get to the stuff you want to do and take some productive action to make sure you don’t waste anymore of your valuable time.

Your efforts will not go unnoticed. You don’t have to make great strides in order to measure your incremental progress. Sometimes just thinking about what you want to happen is enough to make things move in your direction. Little angels of support are always waiting in the wings to assist- you just have to ask. Do you ever wonder when you think about someone or something you’d like to happen it miraculously appears? You just need to flex that muscle a little in order to get your career mojo in gear.

Your post-holiday hustle does not need to represent a sprint to the finish line. Small and deliberate steps will work when you start to plot your next career move. Maybe it’s as simple as making of a list of the people you would like to work with? Or, maybe you have an idea for a new business or product you want to test and you start to do some preliminary research. It does not take much to get your hustle on.

The only one pushing you towards your next result is you. You can either respond well to the pressure or decide it’s too much for you to have to deal with and go about handling all of your other busy work instead. Making lists is helpful, networking is always preferred but running around taking one meeting after the next with no idea what you want to accomplish could seem like a waste of time instead of a secret strategy towards career success.

You are not alone when it comes to putting pressure on yourself. That does not mean you have to respond by challenging yourself at every career corner. Take this time to not only count your many blessings but to also give yourself permission to succeed by not pushing so hard and to allow the good things that are headed your way to actually appear. You are able to move fast anytime you like. It does not necessarily mean moving fast will get you any closer to your desired result. You’ll still have time to get where you are going long after the holiday carolers have gone home-take time to relax into your next career move without the fear you will miss out on something if you don’t hustle ahead of the pack.

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How To Get Rid Of Your Career Hangover

images-1When it comes to making your New Year Career Resolution you need to make sure you do not carry bad habits over from one year to the next. Your career hangover needs to end with the confetti clean up and the empty bottles of bubbly. What does that mean to you? Well, if you are out of work there may be a good reason for why you have not found a job-do you know what is standing in your way? If you are currently employed and wonder whether you are in the right job- what steps have you taken to evaluate your street-cred and your overall value to your current employer?

It’s easy to get lost in making a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Yes, all of that is helpful but when it comes to really making a shift in your career strategy you need to be real and ask yourself what you DON’T want from your job or from your future career goals. Some people get stuck when you ask them to make a list of what is working vs. not working in their career lives. The idea of writing down what you want sometimes is a daunting task especially if you do not know what you want or even what it will take to get it?

It’s funny, but when you ask people what they don’t like about their current job-no problem, the list is rambling litany on everything from the lousy commute to the lack of pay or career growth. It’s okay to start with the negative, because in order to know what you do want, you got to be clear on what you don’t want. The idea is that, in order to be focused on your career goals, you’ve got to get rid of what is standing in the way. Like clearing out a closet or old sock drawer, acknowledging what is not working for you is the first step in getting you to recognize what you might like to achieve moving forward.

It might seem counter intuitive to you to focus on negative issues in your career life. But, what you are doing is calling out the very things that don’t work for you so that you know moving forward you won’t repeat past mistakes. The choice is always yours to make a move and to know if you are ready and willing to do what it takes to get the job you want. If you hate your boss but know that if you stick it out for another year it will help you in the long run with your career progression-your choice do you stay or do you go? You may feel like you are underpaid but you don’t have enough experience or confidence to ask for a raise-your choice do you stay or do you go? You love your job but you hate the commute and are thinking of pitching a proposal that will make it easier for you to work from home vs. spending your time in the car- your choice, do you stay or do you go?

Having the courage to ask the tough question about what is not working for you and focus on how that makes you feel will make the decision about what you do want a lot easier. Go ahead and indulge in that career hangover because you may be much clearer the morning after.

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Time To Get Your Job Jingle On

unknownYou may be getting ready for a long holiday break, anticipating the much-needed rest and relaxation, or you may be working yourself to the bone before you take some time off. This may have been a tough year where you lost a close friend or family member, or you fought the good fight when it comes to your own health and well being. You may still be reeling from the recent election results, no matter what side of the fence you were on. You could be battling with the notion that you are not sure what the future holds and the uncertainty is making you nervous. Change is happening all around you whether you are having your first child, getting into a new relationship or making a career change.

The holidays bring out the best and the worst in some of us for no apparent reason than it’s a time that makes us focus on everyone but ourselves. It could be the stress of the season but finding time for contemplation and what they call a little “alone time” might seem impossible but nonetheless necessary. Your holiday wish list should include something for yourself. Your focus and attention may be on what to get the kids, how to take care of a loved one or elder parent, or trying to make time to see all of your friends over the holiday lest you offend someone. Juggling the demands of everyone and everything besides taking time out for you is a bad way to start the New Year.

Creating a little space in all the holiday hustle might seem impossible but might also be the only thing that can save you from yourself. Taking time to recount your blessings seems like a given when it comes to how you spend your time with friends and family. But do you really spend time alone thinking about all you’ve accomplished and all that you’d like to accomplish in the coming year?

Maybe this is an exercise best done when you are alone with your thoughts vs. trying to one up the next person around the dinner table. Having some time alone or creating small breaks between errands allows you to be quiet and focus on what is working and not working in your life in order to help you devise a plan in the New Year.

You are not neglecting your holiday duties if you take time for yourself in all of the buzz and jingle of the season. Maybe the biggest gift you can give yourself in the New Year is the gift of clarity and focus. Staying calm and clear are the pillars you can lean on when you are not sure what your next move needs to be. Your career success is waiting for you and anything else you desire for that matter. You might as well be in a place of receiving and acceptance for all the good cheer that awaits you now, and in the New Year.

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Stranger Things and Your Job

unknownYou may have woken up in the morning thinking I can’t take do another day at that same old job. You may not think you have options. You may think you need time to figure it out. Maybe if someone would just present you with a few choices you would know what to do? It might seem like you can’t stand another day in the office or maybe you have resigned yourself to the fact that you can coast for as long as it takes or until you retire, or get fired, or have a chance encounter that will forever change the course of your career.

You may be feeling the effects of an uncertain future with our politics in disarray, lack of clarity about job growth and where you fit into the new world order. You may never in your wildest dreams have thought you’d be in this situation and that you’d be wondering how the bigger world would affect your smaller one. It’s a strange time indeed. How you figure out your next move maybe daunting but it does not mean you should stand still and become paralyzed. You are not alone in feeling like you woke up and landed on another planet and you have no idea whether it’s safe to breath the air without the necessary head gear.

If it’s any consolation and as my wise mother would always say, “This too shall pass.” It may take awhile but nonetheless there is a proverbial light at the end of your career tunnel. How do you manage the chaos and uncertainty when you are not quite sure where you fit into the grand scheme of things on the world stage? It comes down to a matter of timing and focus. Knowing what you want and where you want to be in the next five years will help. You don’t need to be concerned or even particularly focused on the details. The details are not important when you are trying to figure out the big picture and long view approach to your career regardless of what happens to you on a day-to-day basis. Distraction of any kind is a lethal danger to your ability to stay the course and remained focused.

Staying focused on the end game means you don’t get side tracked on the small bumps in the road along the way to achieving your career goals. When you know the time is right to make a move nothing will stop you from moving forward. You need to know how to trust that process and not force a decision even if you think it’s the right one in the moment. Making sure you are clear on the approach means you have a big picture idea of what you want and not necessarily on all the small steps along the way to ensure you are going to get it. Trusting in the process of “unfolding” and allowing it to happen when it’s suppose to means you are staying focused on the ultimate outcome and not on the gory details.

When you think there are stranger things occurring than how you will manage your next job progression, think again. You are on the right track so long as you don’t spend too much time on self-doubt and confuse yourself at every turn.




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Buyer’s Remorse-Not The Job You Wanted

imagesYou may have been the most excited person on the planet when you accepted the new job, or the promotion, or the chance to accept a new assignment. Without so much as a second thought you were all to glad to say “Yes!” and leap into the new opportunity like a kid on the first day of school. Excitement has a way of blinding you to the starry eyed glow that can make everything around you seem like you are in a dream. You may think nothing can be better than this until one day you walk into the office to see your work- world may not be as rosy as you once thought.

What do you do when buyer’s remorse sets in? It may take years, months or for some it can happen during your orientation period, but when do you know the good thing you thought was happening to you may not be as good? Everyone gets caught up in the moment whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or something wonderful that is happening in your life. You may be so focused on change no matter where it comes from that you forget what it is that really makes you happy.

Buyer’s remorse can come in many forms. You may feel you are taking on more than you expected or had room for in your life. You could doubt you have what it takes to truly succeed at a new level. Or, you simply may have decided that the job or new opportunity is just as fraught with issues and problems no matter how good the recruiter was who convinced you to take the job. Even if all seemed like it was perfect, reality may be showing you another side to the dream you may not have thought was possible.

When you start to experience buyer’s remorse you can do a few things to get out of your own way. You can embrace the new opportunity as a challenge to push yourself and turn the situation around. You could see this an a chance to reach out to others in your network who do have more experience and can be in a position to help you and guide you along the way. Or, you could simply quit and look for another opportunity that may be more in line with what you want. You are not stuck. No matter the choices, your decisions are not carved in stone and you have the ability to learn and accept the choices you make and grow from those experiences

Nothing about your job or your career is meant to be perfect. You will have times in you life when you are at odds with your boss, your co-workers and sometimes even yourself when you may feel you have no where to turn. Knowing that your remorse is temporary and that you might even learn to love the job you have and push through any shortcomings might be all the incentive you need to stay the course no matter how hard overwhelmed you may feel.

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