Making Your New Years’ Re-Soul-ution

As another New Year approaches, we are all given the opportunity to hit the reset button and start over again.  No matter where you are in your life there are people or situations you can probably do without if you are truly being honest with yourself. It’s not that you are being asked to throw out everything in life that no longer works.  But it is time however to reflect on what you do want in life and make room for the people and situations that truly make your soul sing!

As a guide to get you moving in the right direction, try focusing on and answering these five (5) questions that may help you define your New Years’ Re-Soul-ution and bring you closer to finding the happiness you seek:

  1. What in my life makes me feel sad?  Making a list of the people and situations in your life that are “toxic” and cause you stress and harms your soul is a way to start looking more deeply at your life and sorting out the good from the bad.  It might take time to come up with a list as you dig deep and are honest with what is happening in your life.  It may mean you have to distance yourself from certain people even family members for a while that no longer make you happy. Seeking joyful people and situations is your number one goal in making a meaningful “re-soul-ution” this year.
  2. What in my life makes me feel joyful? Focus on what truly makes you joyous whether that includes being more active in nature, or finding more meaningful work or just being around people that make you laugh.  Reflecting on those people and places that truly make your heart sing is a way to remain true to who you are and help you more easily eliminate those situations and people that don’t fit that bill. Your main goal in the New Year is to find those things that make you happy and keep repeating those situations as often as you like.
  3. What are some action steps I can take to change my life?  Creating a plan helps you to formulate some action steps that can change your life for the better.  Look at the list of things that make you happy and for each item listed, add one action item that you can incorporate into your life on a more regular basis.  If you like being around a certain individual, find a way to connect with that person that allows more quality time.  If you enjoy being in outdoors, find a way to add an activity that includes what you most desire in the New Year.
  4. What is a reasonable timeline where I can achieve my goals? Setting a reasonable time line to set your goals is part of building your action list. Put dates, times and build a schedule around all the things on your list that you like or want more of and make sure you stick to your timeline.  You are in control of how much time you devote to your happiness so by making time for it each day it allows you to focus on the people and activities that bring you joy.
  5. How will I measure my success? If you find yourself laughing more, or are less stressed and are truly enjoying where you are in your life and work than you are living the dream and truly walking the talk.  Your success is measured by how many laughs you manage in a day and how many times you experience that nervous anticipation of something or someone fun in your life.  If you don’t have butterflies at least once a week you are not doing what you love or being around those you love.

Your happiness is your number one goal this coming year and feeding your soul the nourishment it needs no matter how small will make your re-soul-ution more meaningful and joyous for years to come.

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