Why You Work?

Since you are likely not born into royalty or a standard of living that affords you the ability to do what you please, do you work because you love to, have to or just because there is no other way you know to exist?  We are taught that “work” is something we must do as that is the currency we use to allow us the freedom to do what we want in life.  If there were another way to make a living outside of work, and I’m not necessarily suggesting those options, what course of work would you choose?

  1. I Love To Work!  For those of you who know no other way, work is something that gives your life purpose and you would likely find something to do no matter how much money you had in the bank.  Working because you love to do what you do is probably the most rewarding and noble act you can choose. Contributing your life’s work in a way that benefits not only you but others as well leaves you with not only a rich and rewarding life but also a legacy that will carry on long after you are gone.
  2. I Have To Work!  There are bills, responsibilities, things you’d like to do but you can’t or won’t because you have to take care of business any kind of business whether it’s personal or work. Nothing screams “work” more than having commitments that stare back at you when you look in the mirror getting ready for your morning commute.  Arguably, the greatest number of people fall into this category and sadly this is how we are all programmed to live, to breathe and to deal if we are to survive at all.
  3. Is There Any Other Choice?  Yes, there are many choices available to those that love to work and those that have to work.  First, you have to be clear on which category you fall into, as that will determine the course you are apt to take as it relates to your work. Your motivation helps guide you to choose which path you are going to take whether you have to work for money or not.

Whether your motivation is love of what you do or the fact that you have commitments that you can’t turn your back on, you make choices depending on what pushes you the furthest towards your goals.  There is nothing wrong with accepting work at any level because you have responsibilities you need to care for.  It’s always better if you love or even like what work you choose to do but it’s up to you how you handle your choices.

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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