The Power of Perspective…

Is the glass half empty or half full? You are either out of a job or in transition.  You define yourself as a consultant when self-employed or you are a member of the staff.  You were either fired or you were reorganized out of a job.  Whatever your perspective on your work life, you have the power to change how others look at you and how you look at your situation.

To remain in a state of denial or depression over your situation will not help you forge through no matter how tough you believe you are. Embracing the reality of what is happening to you by not harboring any resentment or shame over your circumstances is a first step towards self-acceptance and self-respect.  If you don’t possess those traits, than you are powerless over your perspective and how others choose to see you.

You can look at your situation from many angles and you can choose how you want to represent it to others.  What you can’t choose is what happens to you along the way. What you do have the power over is your ability to make a choice and how you handle any fall out as a result.  No matter what your work situation is like, employed, unemployed, miserable, content the power of your individual perspective will guide you through making the right choices when you need to. Your perspective means more to helping solve the outcome of your situation than does anything else.  Sure it’s nice to put on a good face for the sake of others, but that has little effect on how you feel about yourself and what you are willing to do about it.

Finding your own voice and having self-respect whether you were just told you were fired or you are afraid to make a change in your job will help you move on from your current situation.  It’s not enough that others believe what you are saying and doing is real, it’s more important that you do.   Having the power of perspective means you live in the moment and accept your reality but you are willing to take the necessary steps to do what you must to fix it.

Your perspective on things puts you in the driver seat in terms of calling the shots on how you handle your job search.  Staying stuck in something that tears your spirits down and makes you feel as if you’ve failed when you’ve worked so hard, is a perspective you need to lose if you want to move ahead.  If you don’t think you are qualified or competent no matter what has happened to you do you really think anyone else will?  What will that do to your job prospects if all you do is perceive yourself a failure?

Knowing when it’s enough to stop sabotaging your efforts because you believe you failed in your job is the second step towards moving forward and changing your perspective for the better.  Remember how others see you begins with how you see yourself.  You do have the power to change that perspective but it starts with you.

A special thanks to Melissa Hicks of CTHRA for the inspiration on the blog title.

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