Like the NFL Cowboy’s quarterback Jon Kitna who will donate his $53,000 a year salary to help fund some of the high school programs in the school where he now teaches, we all could use a little way to offer some pay back with your pay check. Whether you can donate your time, some supplies or anything that might be of use to the community, it’s time to think about how you can start the New Year off right by thinking beyond yourself.
You might not be a highly compensated sports figure, but if you had a way to help your community by donating back some of your salary what would you do? Maybe your company has a matching grant program that will match dollar for dollar any money you choose to donate back to the community? It’s not about saving every penny for your FSA or your 401K retirement or vacation bank, but wouldn’t it be nice if you were able to really give back this New Year with something that not only benefitted your friends and family but served a larger purpose?
It’s the time of year where we find ourselves reflecting on the events of the past on the things we liked, what we wished we could do over and what we hope never happens to us again. Whether you hate your job and can’t believe you are going to spend another year doing the same old thing or you are still at it trying to find the perfect next career opportunity, there are some things that are in your control and there are some things that are not. When it comes to giving back, I’m not suggesting you blow the entire bank account and give it all away. Try to step outside yourself and your current situation and offer up something meaningful to someone or to a special cause you are passionate about. Feel stuck? Here are a few suggestions that might help get the wheels of change moving in your direction:
- Support a cause. Maybe you already donate money to a local charity or church or to someone in need. What about looking into websites like and support something that touches a larger population? It’s not always about a financial donation but maybe you can support something meaningful to you even if it’s just signing a petition and volunteering to an organization to support a change.
- Your gift of time. Your time is a valuable commodity-maybe even more valuable then donating a sum of money. If you were to pick a place, an animal shelter, foster home, nursing facility or food kitchen, maybe there is something that might resonate with you that will help not only yourself feel good but also help someone you don’t necessarily know personally.
- Host an event. You might not be able to write a big, fat check but maybe you can offer up your office, your home or a facility that can host an event for a charity or organization in need. There are things you can do that will not break the bank but will make an impact just the same.
If you are still not sure how you can help someone in the New Year, maybe you should start asking a few people how you can be there not so secret Santa this year and help someone or something that might benefit from your unique talent and skills. It’s okay if you are not able to donate your salary, but finding some creative and innovative ways to stay in touch with a larger group is a way to honor all the good intentions the New Year will surely bring.
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