When it comes to preparing yourself for your next career move how much thought do you actually put into the process? You are smart, you have a solid work background, and you know the right people. What if that were all there was to landing your next gig? Maybe you know how good you are but do others? Educating the world on your many accomplishments might feel like “overkill” when you are out promoting yourself, but providing a bit of a “jobication” in the process, may go a long way in broadcasting to the rest of the working world just how great you really are.
Finding the right words, the best points to highlight when it comes to putting together a compelling story about your work history is not as easy as it seems. No one likes to brag but brag you must if you want to make sure others fully understand what you have to offer and how qualified you are for that next big opportunity you are seeking. Punching up your resume is hard when you have so many kudos you might not know which ones to point out that you may tend to ramble on just about anything to get your point across.
Here are a few tips to help Jobicate your resume to help educate your viewing audience:
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative: It might be easy to get lost in the numbers especially if you are an accountant, but making sure you balance the “touchy-feeling” soft skills with quantifiable results is a must no matter what your profession. Helping to measure results whether you are in a professional, creative or technical field makes your value and contributions stand out no matter what level position you are applying for.
- 2. Strategic vs. Tactical: You may be starting out or you may have years under your belt, in either situation sharing examples of how you think vs. how you act is as important as stating you are a “multi-tasker” or are adept at working in a matrix environment. Sharing specific examples of how you process, analyze, research, and come to conclusions vs. merely how you execute sets you apart from those that take orders from those that make orders.
- 3. Problem Solver vs. Doer: How you derive at results is as important as how well you can execute against them. Sharing examples of how you are able to “figure it out” as well as how well you can execute your job responsibilities is an important distinction when you are showcasing your talents on multiple levels.
Finding the right words and sharing specific examples of how you illustrate your skills takes time and attention. If you feel you won’t do justice to yourself, it’s worth hiring a professional to help you promote your accomplishments and market your skills to make you ever-so appealing to the anxious recruiter. Jobication is not just about educating the rest of the world about your skills as much as it is about showcasing your talents in a way that makes you stand out from the rest of the weary job seekers all looking to land their next assignment.
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