It might be that you are rethinking the way you live your life and how many times you think you have to go down the same road again before you learn what you need to know. If you are living through some trauma or drama caused by your job, it’s time to figure out whether you like living in the middle of a thunderstorm or are ready to move out from under the mess. Whether you are the author of your own drama or are merely an innocent bystander, understanding that you can make the necessary changes and rid yourself of the chaos causing you to lose sleep at night.
You don’t need to take drastic steps like quit your job and live in a monastery the rest of your life to avoid trauma/drama. You do however, need to adopt some safe steps to rid yourself of this career chaos and guard against those people and situations that put you in harms way. How you define job trauma from job drama is simple:
- Job Trauma is something that usually happens to you and is created by outside situations. Examples would be a layoff, a death of a co-worker, the company filing for bankruptcy. Situations and people that may inadvertently cause you to feel some level of trauma in your life and not necessarily from anything you may have directly or indirectly caused.
- Job Drama is just that, any situation that is created by you or including you that has created some level of chaos or has directly or indirectly aggravated a situation. Examples of job drama would include office gossip, escalating a minor situation into a world war or divulging confidential information. Any situation or persons including you that have an uncanny ability to stir the pot or cause some level of unrest in the workplace constitutes job drama.
Whether you have experienced one or both or if you are honest with yourself have contributed to part of the drama it’s time to stop the self-sabotaging behavior and snap your career back into place. Finding fault with people or systems is not uncommon, your reaction to it however can and should be controlled. If there is a pipeline for communication to escalate an issue in the workplace even if it includes your boss, use it. It’s always better to take the high road and deal with a situation in a professional and above board manner as opposed to spreading your disgust through gossip and innuendo.
Knowing how to handle a difficult situation at work takes patience, trust and a tremendous amount of tact. You may not always find the right words to express how you feel but choosing any of the alternatives sets you and the person you may be trying to deal with in a potentially compromising position.
Understanding your rights and knowing where you stand in a situation forces you to take an honest and unfiltered look at who you are and who you want to be as a professional. You have a choice on how you behave, don’t fall victim to peer pressure especially if the fight is not even yours to battle. Save the job trauma and job drama for Netflix!
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