Job Holiday Hustle ….

Running around, following the crowd, jumping in and out of lines and burning it on either side and in the middle may feel like the right thing to do during the holiday season but what ever happened to just kick back and relax? You may be feeling the pressure now more than ever as you try to tie up loose ends before the New Year and forget about figuring out your resolutions – who has time for that? You can keep going at the pace you have become accustomed or find some down time no matter how crazy the weeks ahead appear.

You are NOT going to finish it all so don’t even try. Putting undo pressure on your self now is a waste of your valuable time and resources. Actually shutting down may be the best thing you can do for yourself and for those you love. As contrary to your beliefs as this might seem, finding time for you now is not only the most productive thing you can do but will help you prepare for the hustle of finding or securing a job in the new year. Needless distractions are great for avoiding the obvious, but actually sitting still may seem the hardest yet most important gift you can give to your self this holiday season.

Like anything that is difficult to do, getting quiet and really allowing the feelings to surface will help you get clear on what has not worked for you in the past. Your career may have hit some bumps in the road, or you may be looking for a new challenge, but unless you are quiet and truly let yourself be inspired by the world and people around you, you may never get out of the job hustle that is all around you. It’s always good to make a list but even that might be too much work for you now. Just sitting and staring at the sky may be all it takes to find the inspiration you are seeking when it comes to your job search. You may not feel that counting clouds is very productive, but silencing the mind in a way that allows you to be calm, focused and clear may help you get to the answers you seek when it comes to your next career move.

Meditation, journaling and self-contemplation are all valuable skills not taught to you when job seeking that may come in handy now when all you need to do is reflect on your goals and what it is you really want out of life. Being thankful for all you have and all that you have accomplished is a good start to understanding what you have from what you will do in the future. You are your best advocate and counselor so isn’t it time you stop the holiday hustle and listen to the little voice inside your head for true inspiration? Finding a little “me” time during this holiday season may be all you need to figure out the road ahead no matter where your career may take you.

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