Hope Floats

We all need hope.  Regardless if we are battling a serious illness a financial crises or a loss or a job, hope gives us a chance to deal with the present while we prepare for the future. Hope is not made of wishes and fairy dust.  Hope is a promise to yourself that you know you will survive the transition no matter the outcome and you will come out better for it in the end.  If you are feeling tired, afraid and lost in your career quest, allow hope to float you as you rise above the chaos and focus on your long-term goal, the perfect job.

Here are a few steps to allow hope to carry you when you feel the rush of change and fear wash over you like dirty water.

“H” = Harness   It takes a lot of energy to be hopeful.  You have to believe in not only your own talents but that there is a place for you to express those talents.  Making the most out of what you have in the present helps you “harness” the gifts you’ve been given to make the most out of opportunities for the future.  You can’t get from here to there if you can not harness what is in you, believing in yourself and knowing that you will overcome this sticky spot in your career.

“O” =  Opportunity  … Is The Mother Of All Invention.  If you don’t believe that then any chance at being hopeful about the outcome of your career will be dashed.  Knowing how to harness your talents also means you have to open your eyes to new ways at looking at things including the way you look at yourself.  If you believe you can only do one job, or have one talent, or can only work in one company, then you are limiting not only yourself but the opportunities you create for yourself.  Start by opening yourself up to new people, new places and new ways of doing things and watch the flow of opportunities come your way.

“P” =  Preparation.  Every good career move needs a plan.  Preparing yourself by creating a compelling resume, bio, reel is one thing, but how much time do you spend on preparing yourself?  I’m not necessarily talking about the wardrobe or the “interview” skills training, I’m referring to the emotional and psychological preparation that goes with change.  Knowing that you want to explore opportunities is one thing, but really being mentally and emotionally present to accepting them into your life is another. Preparing for change emotionally and mentally is more important than having a good resume.  If you are not into it, how do you think anyone will be into you?

“E” = CrEating:  It’s time to take all that you know hope can provide you and create your future.  Knowing that you can harness your energy, gifts and talents allows you to open the doors to new opportunities.  Preparing for the future you want creates the career you always dreamed of and nothing can stand in the way of hope but you.

Giving hope a chance is a way to get you aligned with your goals and use them in a productive way and not dream pie in the sky until your dreams float away.  Take advantage of all that is you and make it work for you one hopeful step at a time.

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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