Happy New You Year!

With all the new year resolutions plaguing you this year there only needs to be one that matters. Making wish lists and promises to take care of everything from losing weight, to paying down your debt, to finding that perfect job or any job are all pointless if you fail to take care of the one thing that does matter and that is you. Selfish as this may sound you will not stand a fighting chance to succeed at any of the goals you have set for yourself if you neglect the one most important person in your life and that is you.

How do you even go about that you may wonder when you have so many obligations and responsibilities to everyone and everything in your life that matters? You might even think it is not possible to spend time focusing on you when your commitments continue to mount and you have nothing left to give anyone else let alone yourself. When you get caught in the scramble of everyday life and you begin to lose sight of you, stop, regroup and reprioritze. If you are not at the top of your to-do list this year than something is woefully wrong with your thinking. It’s not just about making time for yourself, that’s a given. But ordering in a sense of balance and an investment in taking care of what’s important to you as your number one priority is what counts.

Creating balance is really about knowing what it is you want, taking stock in what you have, and setting your mind to creating and realizing the goals you want to set for yourself. Yes life does get in the way, but if you keep yourself front and center at all times you have a better than average chance at succeeding than you might think. Yes this is about making you your number one priority. Yes this is about creating what you want. Yes this is about setting boundaries. Yes this is about eliminating people and situations that no longer work in your life. Yes this is about honoring your feelings. Yes this is about being authentic. Yes this is about caring for your own needs. Yes this is about knowing when to say no. Yes this is about not ruling your decisions through guilt. Yes this is about becoming friends with you.

If you don’t start here, if you don’t allow yourself the respect you deserve by honoring you, no matter what goals, intentions, resolutions or lists you think you are creating to realize your dreams, than you will not succeed no matter how much effort you put into it. Why? Because you will allow “life” to get in the way with its schedules, meetings, appointments and meaningless lists of things you need to take care of because somewhere you decided those things were more important than taking care of you.

So remember to focus on you in the new year no matter what your friends and family might think of your new found self-love because in the end you are all you have and if you don’t start honoring that now what makes you think anyone including your employer will in the future.

Here’s to you in New Year!

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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