Career Gravity

I use to have a running joke with my two stepsons, when you don’t know the answer to any question the answer is always, “Gravity.” What goes up must come down.  What is new will get old and what is constant will ultimately change. Nothing holds more truth to that than your ever-changing career.  When you think you are in a good place, something will ultimately change and when you believe it can’t get any worse, there will be a break in the clouds.

Understanding the push-pull of this scenario puts you in a peaceful place and helps you to change with the thrust of gravity.  Sometimes you may wish things would just flow towards you in natural order.  Like job offers, a salary increase, or a new office.  Well as much as you are a celestial body, the energy around finding a job and sticking to it is as much about gravity as it is about focus and concerted effort. You have to find your center of gravity before anything you truly want to attract towards you can flow.  This is true for you career and anything you hold dear to you.

When it comes to finding your center of career gravity, here are a few things to think about that might help you create the pull you need towards attracting the perfect job:

  1. Accelerating Your Search:  Jobs don’t fly in front of you at any given chance. You have to make them come your way and by focusing on what you want you can develop a list of who you want to reach out to and help you get connected to the job, company and people you need to meet in order to make a job offer happen.
  2.  Overcome your Limitations:  You may not be the most qualified you may not be the least qualified for a job but if you have a good understanding of your qualifications when applying for positions, you won’t waste a lot of valuable time applying for ones that you would never truly be considered for.
  3. Speed of Light: You may feel you are running out of time and that everyone is passing you over for a position and you are somehow lagging behind. Don’t believe that the first one in wins the race.  You’ve got to know when it’s time to move and when you are moving too fast and missing out on an opportunity that might be perfect for you. Slow and steady spin will get you the desired results towards attracting the job you want.
  4. Gravitational Pull: Identifying something you want is one thing, but gravitating towards it is another. It might not be rocket science, but knowing how to attract what you want and pull it towards you is as much about gravity is it is about your desire to connect with the things you truly want. Your job and your career are no different.  It’s in the figuring out what you want and then going for it where you create the greatest gift of gravity you can imagine.
  5. Trajectories: You may not be on the fast track but you certainly can move mountains in your career search when you take the necessary steps in defining what you want and making a plan to get there.  Identifying those people that can help you along the way is not as much a chore as it is a necessity that can help catapult in your career path.

You don’t have to dig your heels in the ground and wait for the career train to pass you by.  Knowing what you want and how to get it will help clear the way for making great strides in your career advancement and making the universal pull of gravity work for you.

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