Breaking Up Is Hard To Do….

Remember when you felt secure and comfortable knowing that you were on the right career path, confident that the job you held was going to hold you long into retirement.  Well, wake up now, that dream was a good one while it lasted. There comes a time in everyone’s life where the dream and reality take a sharp contrasting turn. In the midst of this struggling economy, where you may find yourself without a job, wondering what you did wrong and if you could just do it over again you would have played your cards right.  Anything, so as you don’t have to look for another job again.   Breaking up is hard to do but going back to what wasn’t working is even harder still.

If you find yourself without a job and can’t figure out what you did to get you here, stop living in past regret whose only purpose is to paralyze you from moving into the future.  Yes, it’s important to take stock in what may or may not have worked in your career, but to become crippled in fear of thinking you’ll make the same mistake again is not going to help move you towards finding and thriving in a new job.  Having courage to face your career fear particularly when you have lost your job no matter the circumstances will help you forgive, forget and move on in your job search.

We all like to dwell in regret and the “what if” scenarios.  Like breaking up in any relationship, taking the initiative, owning responsibility and forgiveness helps you to heal and manages you towards making healthy decisions about your future career.  Knowing what worked and what did not work in your prior job is important to help you know what you do want from your next job.  Beating yourself up and playing the what worked/didn’t work scenarios over in your head only helps to keep you stuck in a place where your career can’t move forward no matter how many interviews you go on and resumes you send out.

It’s tough losing anything particularly a job not only for the emotional feelings of failure but for the very real economic concerns in having to support you or your family. Embrace the loss and move on as quickly as you can.  Harboring guilt, frustration and anger is not going to put you in the right frame of mind when you are sitting across a recruiter’s desk interviewing for the next best job of your career. Your fears come through no matter how well you are at putting on your game face.  That’s why it’s important to process the feelings you have when you have lost your job and place it so you can move forward and give your best interview performance to land your next job.

Yes, breaking up is hard to do, but not recognizing when it’s time to wipe away the fears and become a brave heart when all you need is to let go, breath and take on your next interview by storm!

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