Between A Rock & A Hard Place…

Deciding whether to quit the job you have in search of a new one can be a daunting task when faced with the unknown.  Do you leave the devil you know for what may appear to be greener pastures?  Do you take the proverbial leap of faith in search of your dream job?  What may appear to be an easy answer may actually put you between a rock and a hard place when it comes to making a choice and finally a move.

Knowing when to call it quits so to speak takes courage, conviction and a certain intuitive foresight, one that helps you balance the odds against the known and the unknown.  So many times you may feel like you’ve given it your all in your current job, or acknowledge that you are “phoning it in” so to speak waiting for the next opportunity to magically appear.  Office politics aside, you yearn for a more uplifting career experience and hope that you can make it work no matter what the cost-anything so as not to have to update the resume or put on a suit to pitch someone you don’t know why you are the perfect candidate for a job.  From your vantage point, it may seem like an uphill battle and you are more inclined to ride it out in your current job – going no where fast.

Don’t fool yourself into believing that because you may have been successful flying under the radar or kissing up to a boss you can’t stand that you somehow have trumped the system in your favor.  Unfortunately, the only person you are fooling is yourself.  Arching your back up against the rock is not going to move it any faster. Pushing yourself against the hard place is not going to soften the surface.  Your fear of change fosters your indecisiveness making you reluctant to take a risk in your current job or trying your hand at a new one.

Your job like anything else you manage in your life is a choice.  You can choose to wade through the office politics, continue to hope for a better outcome in your current job, or take a chance at something yet to be discovered.  Launching a new job search is not the end of the world.  Yes, given these times it takes a great deal of patience, more than usual when entering the job market but there are new opportunities waiting to be explored no matter what your situation.  It also doesn’t hurt to go out on more exploratory “meetings” with current contacts to jump-start your networking so it doesn’t feel so much like a job search than it does just staying informed as to what opportunities are opening up in your line of work.

Whether you are an animator looking for a new film or television project, or a finance executive, producer or marketer, keeping yourself in the know when it comes to your line of work on an informal basis, takes the fear out of “looking for work” and puts your job search in the educational, data-gathering category.  Learning what your options are while you have a job or are working on a project makes you feel less like you are operating between a rock and a hard place and opens your job search to a world of possibilities.  It’s okay to step into the unknown, remember it’s just a choice.

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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