Your Career Is An Inside Job

When it comes to your career recovery is it possible for you to garner the strength it will take to to make the necessary changes?  Your career, like most things in life needs time and careful attention in order to change.  It just doesn’t happen overnight.  When you are stalled in your career there is one thing you can do for yourself where no one else can help you.  In this, your career is very much an inside job.

Taking responsibility for your career is the same process one goes through when they are recovering from any addiction.  You have to make certain commitments to yourself and honor who you are and what you want from your career.  There is an introspection that needs to occur.  You need to be quiet with your thoughts in order to find your true passion.  Finding a job starts from the inside out.  You cannot present your best self if you are not sure who you are and what that is.

Here are a few things in your 12-step career recovery you might want to consider before you go on your next interview:

1-Be Powerful: Your career is in your own hands.  You have control to change or to manage the change whether you choose it or it is forced upon you.  No one can take that from you.

2-Be Authentic: Restore your authentic self.  Make sure to honor who you are and what you want from your next career and let no one persuade you from your goals.

3-Be Decisive:  Understand that you will have many choices whether you are recently graduating or making a career change.  Know yourself and what motivates you and always follow your instincts and don’t be afraid to make a choice. If you don’t like the first one, you can always choose again.

4-Be Fearless. Once you decide what you want, don’t be afraid to go after it.  Knowing yourself and understanding your desires is an important part of the process in learning how to attract what you want and in keeping it.

5-Be Self-Aware: Admitting to yourself and to others what your career goals are and engaging their help is an act of courage and honor. Don’t be afraid to let others know who you are so they can help you in becoming the even greater person you are destined to be.

6-Be Proactive: Make an effort to take charge of your career without waiting to be told what to do.  Once you find your path, move boldly forward and take control of your career. If you see what you want, be proactive and go forward to get it.

7-Be Realistic:  If you have limitations in your career, seek advice, counsel, training and the proper education to make sure you have what it takes to compete in the fast-paced world.

8- Be Patient:  Knowing what you want and waiting diligently for it to materialize is an honorable trait to have particularly as you discover the real reasons for your career ambitions and pursuits.

9-Be Flexible:  Keeping your options open even though you may have your heart and mind set on one thing will help you open doors to opportunities you may not have given thought to before.

10-Be Ready for Change: If you feel you’ve made a mistake in your career choice, be open and ready to change again.  There is no right or wrong answer.  You make your own career destiny any way you choose.

11-Be Convicted:  Stay the course once you know what you want.  Obstacles may get in the way and people will try to discourage you but have faith and prosper in your convictions and go for the best you can be.

12-Be Yourself:  Being true to yourself and honest in your convictions will help guide you towards your career goals quickly.  Making choices based on what others want for you will delay your progress and will not help you in achieving your long-term goals.

Becoming introspective, studying what you want and really making the process of following your career path an inside job will help you remain focused and oriented towards your goals quicker than a resume re-write or a practice job interview.

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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