Well there is no getting around the idea of pulling together a plan for the New Year whether you call it a resolution, a wish list or a job makeover. We all need a little motivation sometimes even a big shove to get things moving in the right direction. Procrastination coming out of the holiday haze is to be expected but knowing when it’s time to kick into high gear is your next step if you want to get going on checking off items from your list.
When it comes to figuring out what your job makeover should include, here’s a list of the top things we believe are important considerations when making over any job whether you love it or you hate it:
- Tweaking Your Hair: Whether you like the way your hair looks or not starting from the top down to get the new you in shape for the new job interview is not a bad idea. Parting your hair a new way, changing the color or going for a drastic cut will help you look at you in a new light and give you the self-confidence to go for something different and more noticeable. Changing your appearance in a positive way helps you feel better about your choices.
- Changing Your Clothes: A change of jobs is like a change of clothes, it needs to fit right in order for you to feel comfortable. Investing in a good wardrobe even if it’s a new jacket, a pair of shoes or a new dress is a good way to begin the investment in yourself even if you have no intention of accepting a new job offer. Taking pride in your appearance is a good first step in taking pride in what you choose to do for a living.
- Rewriting Your Resume: You might need to invest in having someone help you to fine tune your resume, but making even minor changes, like changing the font size, or format or including hobbies or new skills you’ve learned will help keep you stay current and ready for when someone does ask to see your credentials.
- Updating Your Profile: If you are on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vimeo, or any social networking site that is personal or professional it’s time to take a new look at what you have been posting. Keeping it fresh and professional when you are about to embark on looking for a new job may mean you take down the party photos of you getting trashed at New Years or your wild holiday vacation shots on Instagram. Keeping a consistent, focused and professional image means not just in your persona but in your online profile as well.
- Contacting Your References: Reconnecting with folks to look for a job is one thing, but what about those forgotten few you list regularly as a reference-when was the last time you reached out to one of them? It’s nice to network but making sure you are connected to the people who worked with you in the past is equally as important. Do they know what you have been up to? What would they say about you now? Keeping your connections current even if you have not worked with someone in awhile is a must if you want a good recommendation.
- Defining Your Goals: It’s nice to wish for what you want but how many of you actually “ask” for what you want? Being clear on things like work life balance, money, opportunity, commute and office environment BEFORE you accept a job offer will help you from many sleepless nights wondering how you could have been so wrong about making a career change.
- Being Subtle But Savvy: Telling your closest friends that you are on the job market after several rounds of martinis may have seemed the right thing to do but being quiet and reserved about your job search may be the more savvy approach especially if your friends also happen to be your co-workers. Keeping your cool and adopting a more subtle approach to how you are moving ahead is a smart strategy especially if you are confidentially looking to make a career change.
- Asking For Help: You may be a very independent person and have no problem making decisions on your own. You may even pride in yourself on your ability to be decisive and smart. However, asking for help every now and again and “putting it out there” to your trusted and confidential network is not a bad strategy when you are thinking about a change and how best to approach any new career opportunities.
- Being Self-Supportive: Making a career change no matter how subtle is not always easy. You have to be kind not only to the folks you are interviewing with and those that are helping you along the way but you also need to be most kind to yourself. Giving yourself permission to take a break from a rigorous interview schedule does not mean you are a flake or need to give up if you have not landed a job offer in record time. Being your own best ally in your support of change is the best way you can makeover any career even one you love.
You must remember that change no matter how small does not happen over night and for it to really stick you need to maintain a consistent focus on the prize in sight. Your job makeover is most reliant on your ability to change and more importantly to be ready for the change. Timing is everything and forcing yourself when you are not ready mentally or emotionally will not make your progress move any faster.
Your 2015 job makeover is waiting for you to be ready and the changes you will make will be well worth the wait if you stay the course and take one job step at a time.
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