Solving Your Career Crises

Finding your way out of any situation that no longer serves your highest potential whether in your career or in your life might not seem that easy for you. We all face challenges and obstacles where it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning let alone try to figure out what you want to do with your life.  You know what you want even though you may not be sure how you are going to get it.  There is a saying that you have to learn what you don’t want in life in order to realize what it is you do want.  That concept holds true for your career.  It may not be the easiest road to travel when you feel as if though nothing is working out the way you intend only to find out that each disappointment, each loss, each set of challenges sets you on the course for finding out what you truly desire. You may feel that your job is awful, you are not paid well, or you will never be promoted to a top position in your field.  When your career crises hits an all time high it’s time to take stock and be grateful for those things in your life that are not working out in order to find out what you truly want.

Finding your way out of a crisis is not an easy assignment. You may seek out help from a trusted friend or colleague or you may choose to figure out a plan on your own.  Whichever your preference, you have to walk through the fire of your discontent in order to fully embrace the new opportunities that lay ahead.  Feeling your way out of a crisis is your first action step.  Sitting with the good, bad, ugly and mundane is what you need in order to find what it is you really and truly want from your next job.

Just like any other type of intervention, you have to step into your crisis and find a cure.  Your journey will take you to places you may not be comfortable traveling but you have to find a way out in order to find your way forward.  Making an inventory of what you want from your next career move keeps you focused and clear on your direction even if you have not figured out all the steps along the way.  Asking yourself some important questions will help you make the choice easier:

  1. What do I like or do not like about my current situation?
  2. What am I willing to do to change it?
  3. What sacrifices am I willing to make in order to make a change in my life?
  4. How will I perceive my choice and how will others perceive it?
  5. How badly am I willing to change what I don’t like in favor of the unknown?

Making a choice in how you handle your career crisis starts by being honest and direct with yourself.  If you can’t answer these questions in a direct and thoughtful manner than no amount of change or worrying is going to help you out of your current situation.  Knowing how to help yourself puts you in great position to start on a path towards success even if you not quite sure where it will lead you.

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Copyright © 2024 Lisa Kaye - HR & Business Consulting - The Career Rebel

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