A few things come to mind when March is in the air. March Madness, The Easter Bunny, the smell of night Jasmine, daylight savings, spring cleaning, and the season finale of “The Walking Dead,” just to name a few. When it comes to your job search however, I think all of these can apply. Here are a few things you can do to March forward and Spring into Action when it comes to your career:
1) March Madness: You feel like you’ve done everything from investing in a career coach, re-writing of your resume, networking effectively and focusing on your career search until you have learned the in’s and outs until you are blue in the face. When you truly have reached your “March madness” and you think your next job will likely be had by the bets you’ve played, think about how well you’ve played the game so far and don’t give into temptation.
2) The Easter Bunny: When your job search resembles an Easter egg hunt, and running up that hill and looking under every bush for your prize has become a routine task, believe, believe, believe even though the Easter Bunny may have hopped on past you. Keeping the faith regardless of your religious beliefs is more about believing in yourself and knowing that if one thing you were hoping for does not materialize, than truly something better is in the works. Trust that there is a bigger plan at play even if you don’t always know the details.
3) Spring Cleaning: Clearing out your closets is one thing, but clearing out the negative thoughts that have held you captive is another. Staying positive during the process is as important as getting rid of several old pairs of shoes or trying to keep clothes that no longer fit you. Making yourself understand that you are going through what everyone goes through at one point in their lives should help you know you are not alone and that you will get to the other side of this.
4) The Walking Dead: Yes, zombies are at your door hungry for your blood but it feels more like the bill collectors since you’ve been unemployed for a while and can’t seem to kill them off fast enough. Your instincts are right, you need to work and you need to work fast. Jumping at the first thing that bites you is not going to help you any better than if you were to take your time and plan out your next step. Be well armed, be prepared and by all means bandage up any open wounds so you can attack your army in full force with all you’ve got.
Finding your true North in the midst of your career madness may not be all that you wanted to deal with this spring, but getting to know yourself and getting rid of what no longer works will take you one step closer to realizing your goal. Maybe you’ll have that job before the 4th of July and you’ll have a great reason to celebrate.
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