
It’s not enough to listen to the voices inside your head but it’s another thing to have them drive you crazy. Whether your voice is telling you to look for a new job or that you are not good enough for the job you already have, it’s important to keep in mind that you are not going mad by listening to your voice, you are just getting clear.  Whether you choose to listen to your family, your friends, your trusted advisors remember, the only person worth listening to is yourself.  If you can hold onto that you are halfway to the finish line.

Trusting yourself above anyone or anything else may take more courage than you can muster.  Self-doubt is not something to be proud of but it could have some benefits.  Keeping your self in check and knowing when it’s time to question what seems like the obvious is a good way to begin to listen to yourself.  Listening to your doubts as well as listening to what seems like inspiration, helps you sort fact from fiction when you are trying to figure out your next career move. Negative thoughts are not terrible-it’s a way for you to filter through the garbage to find you career treasure.

The saying, “If you can’t trust yourself who can you trust?” holds merit when it comes to listening to the voice within.  You are the only one who can truthfully answer whether you think the job you are in is the right one for you and ultimately what it will take to make you happy.  Trusting yourself means that you are able to discern the really important stuff from the things that are a distraction.  Knowing what you want from what you don’t want helps set yourself up for success even if you are not quite sure where the road will lead.

Listen to what resonates with you even as you try to figure out your next career move.  You may have studied film direction in school but realize that may not be what it takes to pay the bills and it’s hard to find a job.  Figuring out how to get what you want means you need to listen to what feels right for you even though others may not understand or agree with your career choices.  You are the only one who can answer what is right for you but you have to listen to yourself first.

Your career like any other choice you have to make is yours and yours alone.  All the counseling, advice, workshops, education is not going to answer the fundamental question of what it will take to make you happy and for to thrive in your chosen profession.  Listening to your gut, knowing how it feels when something is not right for you and following through on your instincts, helps you get closer to reaching your goals no matter how long the road may seem.

The next time you enter into the “crazies” and second guess every decision you make, thank yourself because you are doing the right thing in getting clearer and closer to your career goal-one crazy thought at a time.

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