Job Forecast: Partly Cloudy With A Chance Of Showers …

Well it seems like we might experience a break in our job drought forecast.  Visibility remains cloudy with an 80% chance of showers.  What does that mean for your job search?  Pack an umbrella and some rain gear, as there’s a good chance you’ll get wet with opportunities, well at least a sprinkle.

According to the “2009 Job Forecast Report” published by, the highest areas for growth in new jobs in the coming months lists them in top order as, 1) Information Technology, 2) Professional & Business Services, 3) Transportation & Utilities, 4) Sales and 5) Healthcare.  Trailing the pack with the fewest number of new jobs are Financial Services, Retail and Hospitality. If you find yourself in a career where there is less opportunity, consider a time to transfer your skills to industries and sectors that are hiring.  If you are a financial analyst working in banking, consider retraining or transferring your skills to a professional service area such as technology or healthcare. If you are in retail, consider that your sales skills can be applied to pharmaceutical or media sales for example.

Even if the fill rate of open jobs continues to exceed two or more months on average, the chance you may actually get an interview or a job offer leans slightly in your favor. It still breaks down to some challenging times, but the good news is companies are still hiring.  At greenlightjobs, for example our current average monthly postings exceed 300 in comparison to a few months ago when we were lucky if the average monthly job postings hit 100. It’s a sign that things are very slowly turning in the job seeker’s favor, but I do need to emphasize, very slowly.

If you are anticipating making a move now as you find your self frustrated or unhappy in your current situation, stop to think about it first.  If there is an opportunity instead at your current employer for you to consider an internal transfer, relocation or promotion instead, consider all options before making a plunge.  It’s simply not the best time to venture out on your own especially if you have limited resources to fund a new project, or are trying to take a risk in a new job when you already have one and know all the players. I’m all for people taking risks don’t get me wrong, but in this market they must be “calculated” risks or your odds decrease considerably.

However, if you find yourself one of the 100 of millions of unemployed seeking “ANYTHING” to get by, you have some ray of sunshine in the stormy skies ahead. There are industries that are hiring and they may as well be hiring you. What you need to do is be quicker, smarter and faster at finding and securing those opportunities than your competition. Get networked and stay networked all the time.  Do not let up on the accelerator no matter how exhausting or defeating the effort may seem. There are many more of you out there looking these days. That doesn’t mean you should give up and not try to reach out and find a new opportunity. Do what it takes to set yourself apart from the rest. Be creative, inventive and  innovative, but be especially mindful of what trends and opportunities exist in industries that are hiring. Consider areas you might not have considered before like “green” jobs or jobs helping the environment, even if you went to school to be an animator or film director. There are creative ways to parlay your skills no matter what the profession you just have to allow your imagination to stretch.

In the meantime, it’s easy to sit out the storm and wait for the clouds to part before you dive into your next job. But planting the seeds now towards your next career move, even if you have a job, is a much smarter and calculated way to ensure  you won’t be left out in the rain when the sun finally does come shining through.

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8 thoughts on “Job Forecast: Partly Cloudy With A Chance Of Showers …

  1. Absolutely correct Lisa, preparation should be done for future economic problems. I would like to add one more point, and that is to focus on the programs in which we feel that we can do better. Just doing anything to get a job would lead to boredom someday. Candidates must follow their passions and interests while making choices in their careers. Whatever the condition may be, they shouldn’t go for a profession which is so irrelevant to their interests.

  2. Your points are well penned and well taken. Searching where the jobs are will be much more rewarding than searching where they aren’t. Investing in yourself, meaning actually doing the work to be prepared to convincingly communicate your human asset value will pay off. How? Jot down or type up your most valuable career-related achievements. Be quantitative but not subjectively self promoting. Think of someone who can confirm these achievements. Have their contact info ready. Weave some of these achievements into your resume and save some for interviews, particularly behavioral interviews. When untrained interviewers ask you for your “strengths and weaknesses”, cite examples of strengths and show how you improved the next time– based on what you learned from a challenging situation. One small point, there are about 15 million people in the US who are counted as “unemployed”. More are “under-employed” or have given up looking. So it is not quite 100s of millions, but it is a lot.

  3. Solid post. I think one of the things that has been telling about the past few months and you are seeing consistently alluded to but not directly said is some recovery. I think by the time people start announcing “recovery” it will be well past. Most of the time, the numbers begin to reflect before people actually believe what is happening. This time more so than most. I do not believe we will see the explosive growth or about face that has been characteristic of the past recessions and subsequent recoveries. Modest gains and supplemental growth will be the underlying elements during this recovery. Though most will complain, I enjoy the passive growth that continues for years and does not exude the over spending and gluttony associated with the past 20 yrs.

    Your post ties in the basics that our economy is moving forward but in a tempered mood and state. All fine, but do not quit your job and try to land the next thing just yet. Remain calm, stay sturdy and keep your eyes open for the right position. Not just any one.

  4. Excellent post Lisa. I think any kind of growth or positive news is better than the constant news of market contraction we’ve witnessed. The market has ‘killed’ most of the competition in our markets and therefore it now presents a fanatastic opportunity to capitalise for those of us left.

  5. Thank you for your words of wisdom Lisa, especially today. Coming from the creative side of advertising, my industry is cyclical. Knowing this, it’s still hard when me and my team members are laid-off when the client(s) come and go. I have seen a surge from an abundance of marketing jobs to creative jobs in the last weeks. However, these advertised jobs are still at the branding level. With this, I still think we creatives needs to venture out to other producing jobs such as on-line media, SEO and the like. While we are waiting for the clouds to clear, we expand our knowledge and education. I am venturing out and signed up to take a course in Web Marketing Strategies at my local UC. I only hope that with my already existing and fabulous skill-set a savvy employer will want to scoop me up and give me a chance in a different facet of producing. Show me once! Do you or anyone out there know of employers who are willing to give opportunities to those of us who are seasoned and want to take our careers in different directions? I’ve only been unemployed for four months but feeling like forever today.

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