It’s Overwhelming isn’t it…

For all of us looking at ourselves, our friends, our family, our careers and wondering how on earth we got here, the road sometimes is not always clear.  We feel overwhelmed in our search for ourselves, our purpose and when and where we might find the silver lining in an otherwise cloudy career forecast.  Well, it’s simple really, scream, shout, get crazy with yourself and then settle down and focus.  Frustration, fear and inhibition is a normal part of the process.  But these barriers to entry are just that, boulders that require a push and a shove to move past any and all obstacles in your path.  The road to success is paved with good intentions they say.  Well good intentions will get you so far, but focus, dedication, hard work and most of all perseverance will set you truly free.  You see , it is overwhelming to make choices on how to move your career forward, how to jump start your job search and target companies who are hiring and to remain focused and intent on pursuing your goals at any cost.  It’s exhausting!

Treating your “job search” like a full time “job” is often prescribed as a sound approach as you begin to explore your prospects. Perseverance however is what gets you through the process when all else fails. Self doubt can cloud our ability to move forward even in the smallest of ways.  Thinking about writing your resume, calling your old boss for a reference or blowing the dust off your contact list seems painful and unnecessary but well worth pushing through the inertia and finding a way to the other side.

Finding your sense of purpose and vision in a time when so much is riding on you is hard enough but persevering and pushing through any feelings or limitations will help you pick up and move past any self doubt. We all have what it takes to make it.  Sometimes all we need is a little self-encouragement when we can’t seem to find it from anyone else.  We are our best advocates for change.  We know what is best for us and ultimately for our friends and families who rely on us.  We know which path to take in our careers, which job opportunity seems the best for us, the time we need to change and the focus and determination we require to prevail.  Motivation is key to success, and succeeding in our ambitions is key to the fulfillment and happiness we seek in our lives.

Focus on the positive aspects of your accomplishments.  Your achievements hold great magic in making you appreciate who and what you are and what your sense of purpose and desire is.  Allow this to propel you forward and draw to you what you most want out of your next career.  This is your time and taking all the time necessary for you to focus on you is really all that is required.   Eight, ten, twelve hours to reach out to your contacts, make calls, send emails, set up meetings, get out there, reach out there, and you’ll find what you are looking for.  The jobs are abundant and plentiful and your only goal is to focus, persevere and overcome the overwhelming sensation that there are not enough hours in the day to count all the ways to your next career.

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