Clearing Your Career Cobwebs

No matter how scary your job search and career goals may seem, there is no point in sabotaging your efforts before you even get started.  Scaring up the courage to face your demons, no matter how big or how small will help you sleep at night (without the need to put the night light on.  Your career demons can lurk in the smallest of details. Whether you are fearful you too much experience, or are too old for the current job market, or perhaps you are no longer relevant or even feel like you are unemployable, scaring yourself into inertia over your career choices may make for the scariest of Halloweens.

You are your own career worst nightmare when it comes to scaring yourself silly over your choices. Pulling back the covers to reveal what’s hiding under the bed of your career fear will help you shine a light on your doubts and insecurities and help you fight your demons head on.  Knowing how to approach what’s scaring you about your career choices will make it easier to face tough decisions. Here are some career fear choices that may get in the way:

  1. Kill The Drama:  We all like to stir it up sometime in the hopes that by making some noise, we’ll find out what we really want in life.  Not that it’s a bad approach, but maybe less drama is what you need in order to get clear and reduce the career fear.  Putting things into perspective about your career choices will help you get the drama under control and ease your fears at night.
  2. Turn On The Night Light:  Keeping your career light bright will help you shine onto new opportunities that you would have normally overlooked because of your fear of change, failure or anything that feels too new. It’s okay to move slowly and examine your career options, but holding yourself back because you are afraid of the unknown will not help you explore what could be the best career move of your life. Turn on the light and make the right choice about your next career move.
  3. Scare Away the Cobwebs: Clearing out your career cobwebs will make it easier for you to sort through your career options when and if you are ready to make a move.  Knowing what companies are hiring, what jobs are paying and what you are worth on the open market before you hit the streets interviewing, will help you clear away any doubts you have and any lingering fear you may be harboring.
  4. Beat Back the Boogie Man: You may come up against people or situations that may intimidate you.  Whether the recruiter is asking questions you can’t answer, you have not heard back from the hiring manager or you are just afraid you may have blown it in the interview, beating back the boogie man of your career fear will make you less crazy when the phone rings and it’s actually a job offer on the other end of the line.
  5. Picking Out The Best Treats:  When all is said and done, making a choice about your career is like picking through the best pieces of candy in your treat bag.  Knowing what you want from what you don’t want is easy when you take the fear, drama and uncertainty out of the process.  Once you can master that, the pickings become easy as they say.

So this Halloween, do something good for yourself and conjure up the best image you can and paint on a smiley face and beat back your career fear and go out and take the neighborhood by storm!

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