You may not be looking to be the next on-air personality or to create a headshot to accompany your resume, but it is important to make a good first impression when you meet someone no matter what the end game. Making sure you are put together does not mean you show up for the interview on time, have a printed copy of your resume ready, it also means you’ve got to look and act the part in order to get the part.
Interviewing is like an audition and you’ve got to ask yourself, “Am I camera ready”? Being camera ready does not mean to imply that if you are a little overweight or don’t have a new suit you should not show up for the interview. It does mean you have to get your “act” together so to speak when you do find yourself in front of the lights no matter what the circumstances. To be camera ready you have thought about how you want to come across from the way you dress to the way you style your hair to what words ultimately come out of your mouth. It’s a dress- rehearsal for what you want to happen not only in the interview but when and IF you do get a job offer.
It’s one thing to be obsessed about your resume or your wardrobe, it’s another to be poised, practiced and confident about how you portray your skills, accomplishments and career goals. Knowing how you come across to others will help you gain more insight in what needs to change in your presentation skills. Do you stumble on your words? Are you a deliberate thinker and need time to respond when asked a question or do you tend to think quickly on your feet? Knowing how to gauge your presentation style will help you know how to put your best foot forward when you are up for the job you really want.
Having a few practice runs with trusted friends and colleagues may make you seem more at ease but doing your homework, prepping up on the job and the company will help you feel like you already work there even before you get your employee ID badge. Taking actionable steps to make yourself “camera ready” means you care not only about how you come across but how you want to represent the company you ultimately work for. Showing that you are taking the necessary time to be the best you can be by being responsible for how you look and what you say demonstrates to future employers that you are serious about what you have to offer and you would be a good ambassador to your future company.
So next time you think you are ready for your close-up make sure you have done your homework about the job, the company and of course on how you present yourself. Being prepared is the single most important thing you can do for yourself to ensure you’ve made a great impression in your next job interview.
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