10 Ways To Ask For Job Help

UnknownIt’s never easy to ask for help. You want to believe you can do it on your own. Asking for help sometimes implies weakness or defeat. When you ask for help you don’t want to feel like you need the help-like there is something lacking in your ability to help yourself. It’s no different when you ask for help with your job search. It doesn’t matter if you are a big shot in your profession or are looking for any entry-level position. Asking for help takes courage, strength, dignity and a whole lot of common sense. D you know when is the right time to ask for help? Do you know if it’s appropriate to ask for help from anyone or just those you feel comfortable with?

Asking for help may not come easy for you but knowing how and when to express the need is not only crucial but beneficial when you want it the most. Asking for help is not a crime and should not be perceived that way. When you finally reach out and ask for help it signals that you are open and willing to accept a hand in whatever form it shows up. Next time you find yourself in a position to ask for help here are some things you might consider:

1-Make sure you feel comfortable with the concept of asking for help BEFORE you reach out to your friends and professional network. Doing something that feels unnatural or uncomfortable will sound like begging and not a request for assistance.

2-Know what kind of help to ask for and from whom is important piece in figuring out how reasonable your request for assistance is and who might be in a position to offer you support.

3-Never solely rely on a friendship or family status to help you get a job or a connection for help with a job. Lead with your skills and talents.

4-Offer to take someone to dinner or lunch to help you “pick their brain” and have them pick up the tab instead.

5-Ask for help not just for yourself but also for a friend, spouse, child, and niece.

6-Put someone in an awkward position by asking for unsolicited feedback on how well you interview, or your character, or if they are able to find you a job.

7-Reconnecting with someone you have not spoken to just for the sole purpose of asking for help with a job search or negotiate a job offer.

8-Stalking someone on social media or LinkedIn for the sole purpose of connecting with them to help you find a job without context or a good reason.

9-Asking for references from someone you have not heard from in awhile just because you may need them in the future whether you have a new job offer or not.

10-Connecting with someone you don’t know on LinkedIn to ask for help connecting to a job or company because you work there even though you don’t know that person.

Asking for job assistance is not a bad thing or at least it shouldn’t be. Knowing how to leverage your network of friends and contacts is an art form that takes time and practice. There is a social skill you need to know how to ask for help in a way that does not offend. Some people have it others do not. Finding what works for you and making sure you are both courteous, respectful and kind is part of the etiquette required when asking anyone for help no matter what the situation.

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